Central Ohio Football Officials Association

Quiz Name: 2018 New Rules

Score: 100%

Question Your Answer Correct AnswerRule/Case
During the first period, B1 is detected wearing wrist bands on his biceps, what is the correct penalty for this?

A.) 15 Yard Unsportsmanlike Foul from the succeeding spot assessed to the Head Coach

B.) Removal of the player in question for at least one down
B B 1-5-4, 1-5-5, 3-5-10e (NEW) 3-6-2, 9-9
The passer continues to be a defenseless player until the pass ends or the passer moves to participate in the play.

A.) True

B.) False
A A 2-32-16a
K1 tries an onside kick from K's 40, as the ball bounces near the sideline the ball is muffed out-of-bounds by K2 at R's 49.

A.) R could have K rekick after a five yard penalty, or take the ball 1st and 10 at the inbounds spot at R’s 49, or take the ball 1st and 10 at the inbounds spot at R’s 35

B.) R could have K rekick after a five yard penalty, take the ball 1st and 10 after a 5 yard penalty from the inbounds spot at K's 46, or take the ball 1st and 10 at the inbounds spot at R’s 35
B B 6-1-9 (new), 10-4-2 (new), 10-1-5j (new)